Bitcoin price on August 16, 2017

The price for one Bitcoin on Wednesday, August 16, 2017 was $4,376.63!

If you had bought $100 worth of Bitcoin on 2017-08-16, you would have $1,857.07 today! πŸͺ„

Price of Bitcoin today: $81277
Price difference: 1,757.07% 🀯

Bitcoin price data for August 16, 2017 πŸ€‘

πŸ’Έ The Bitcoin opening price on 2017-08-16 was $4,200.34.

πŸ”΄ The Bitcoin closing price on 2017-08-16 was $4,376.63.

πŸ“ˆ The Bitcoin high price on 2017-08-16 was $4,381.23.

πŸ“‰ The Bitcoin low price on 2017-08-16 was $3,994.42.

Geeky Bitcoin stats for August 16, 2017 πŸ€“  

🧒 Bitcoin’s market cap on 2017-08-16 was $68,178,971,445.00.

πŸ“Š The exchange trade volume on 2017-08-16 was $106,742,514.50.

⛏️ The hash rate on 2017-08-16 was 5,966,241.419 TH/s.

β‚Ώ The total number of Bitcoins in circulation on 2017-08-16 was 16,509,025.

🟧 The Bitcoin blockchain size on 2017-08-16 was 129,583.4659 MB.
